Video and Animation
Kindergarten Promo Video
Promo video for a forest kindergarten to attract new parents. Video based mainly on the photos of the children at different activities. The voices of children are introducing the kindergarten themselves. Prepared in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop.
Store Planogram Animation
Store shelving and planogram change presented to the customer by a video animation. Prepared in Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop.
Poster Animation
Promo animation for social net marketing. Prepared in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop.
Animation in the Presentation
Promo animation for a presentation to the customer. Prepared in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop.
Lighthouse Logo Animation
Logo animation was presented both internally and externally to introduce the new project of Innovation Centre in Pilsen. Prepared in Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
3D Visualizations
Living Room Interior
Interior design for a living room. Prepared in Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
Store shelving project 1
Store shelving and planogram change presented to the customer. Prepared in Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
Store shelving project 2
Store shelving and planogram change presented to the customer. Prepared in Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
Company reception interior
Visualization prepared for a company reception area. Prepared in Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
School Projects
Students dormitory project
Students dormitory with a coffee and walk through yard in Podbaba, Prague. Prepared in Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
Community centre project
Large community centre in Michle, Prague was prepared as a diploma project. The leisure centre is located on the boundary, from one side there is an industrial square as the main node of public space of this area, on the other side there is a park spreading around small river Botič. The concept of the building, coming from these two different environments, has “two faces”. The first face is the border line from the square with LED facade - interractive and self-presenting. The other face is park continuing form, facade of horizontal pieces spaced apart. These levels can be used as outdoor seating and stairs, allowing people to climb the building. Prepared in Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
Theatre on the water project
Open-air theatre located on Džbán pond in Divoká Šárka, Prague. Prepared in Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop.
Poster for University
Promo poster for Department of Electromagnetic Field, CTU FEE. Prepared in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
POSM notebook series
Direct mail for new notebook series.Prepared in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
Poster for a school project
Promo poster for students dormitory project at school. Prepared in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.
Still life